How to Generate an Additional $25,000 Per Month OF PURE PROFIT...
While Saving 80 Hours Per Month on Average Using My Xactimate Exact Estimate System Without Wasting 1-2 Hours Per Estimate Just to Go Back and Have to Do it Again After the Insurance Companies Rejects Your Estimate
How to use A.I to create a 3-Step Email Script Framework to instantly decrease the turnaround time to hear back from the adjuster and increase the amount paid out on your estimate... and how you can start using them the very next time you send in an estimate to the insurance company.
The Easy Estimate System that 1,260 roofing contractors used to generate additional profit while also saving hours per month on average... and how you can model this same system in minutes when creating your very next estimate.
How to clone my Estimate Template in Xactimate in less than 10 minutes to instantly double the amount of estimates you can write.
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